Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tubing is NOT for sissy’s!!!!

Hey, it’s not for a fat lady either. Oh it was so much fun and we had a blast but the day after, you’d think I was a million years old. I hurt from head to toe and can’t even take a deep breath without being a sissy and screaming. I am though, very willing to go again. Just not today!! :o)


See where you hang on to get back up the hill. Yes, it’s nice you don’t have to walk up the hill but…..trying to catch the handle as it goes past, get your fat butt, tube and all to move on sticky snow and hold on for dear life as you get pulled up the hill and letting go at the right time so you don’t have to either slide back down the hill and get yelled at or rolling off like a 30 gallon drum rolling down the hill. The timing is important, very important.

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I’d say that even though this morning is tough, if you ever get a chance to go, GO!!!! You won’t regret it at all. And the best part to be with Mike and the scouts, it’s great!!!!

So today even though I’m suppose to exercise, I don’t see that happen, at least not this morning. I may just go for a walk today and get back at it tomorrow. Between cross country skiing on Saturday, Tubing yesterday I’m doing pretty good in the exercise department.

I think my biggest challenge this week is going to be hunger. I have my monthly non-friend (don’t you love it when they call it your “monthly friend”?) and that means food is my friend, except I’m going to do my best and if I snack I’ll try and make it good for me. I bought fruit and granola bars so that will help.

I don’t know anything else right now. I’ll come up with more as the week goes on. It’s week 3 for me so I’m still working at it all. Thanks for all your comments, ideas and support. I just don’t know how’d I do this without you all.

Take care, have a blessed day.


Holly Lefevre said...

Oh the snow...it looks like fun! A good walk is always a great way to get some excercise in. Good luck staying on track.

Anonymous said...

WTG on the exercising! Least ya had some fun out of it. I wished it was easy when it comes to hunger and I am still struggling to put veggies in front of my face. I am drinking the required amount of water the past 3 days so that is good as well as doing my EA active. Love your attitude towards being healthy!