Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"If Mama Ain't Planning 2010”

I have some place I want you to go too, www.anitraelmore.com. Check out Anitra’s Daily Agenda and Devotional. She sent me a copy to review and try out and I think it’s one of the best things I have ever seen. I am going to be using it every day plus I’ve come up with a few other ideas to add to it too. Since I plan on opening it every day I will also use it for my daycare information, my diet information and my thoughts and prayers for the day. What better thing then to have it all in one place with so many wonderful words in it. You have to look at the preview copy to understand exactly what it’s all about buy I promise you, you won’t be sorry. Not one little bit.

Go, check it out and see. Tomorrow will be my real first day of using it. I’m going to transfer all the stuff I have already written down for 2010 right into it. I put mine into a 3 ring binder to keep it safe and together.

Now have a safe and wonderful evening. It’s finally not as cold here, only –10* and not suppose to get to the –30’s like it’s been. A heat wave and tomorrow light snow but warmer. I can let the chickens out for a little bit. I sure do feel sorry for them but if I give them treats they sure don’t seem to mind any.

Take care, God Bless you all.

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