Saturday, November 27, 2010

Allan’s Turkey…

Well really it was mine but I fixed it Allan’s way and you know what. It was tender, moist and perfect. There isn’t a piece left over now and usually it last at least a few days. We had it Thanksgiving Eve, left overs Thanksgiving, the other 1/2 for our daycare Thanksgiving dinner and tonight in a turkey wrap.

See what it looked like…


Our first meal…


with… mama and daddy…


Then our daycare meal…


The wraps were wonderful. I found some low carb wraps….steamed onions, peppers, tomatoes, the turkey and a couple red potatoes and just a hint of cheese and salsa. It’s hard to figure out exact calories but figured about 200 calories a piece (high side figuring). We all had two but we also didn’t have lunch so ate a early supper.

Thank you Allan for all your help learning to cook, bake in the healthy way.

Oh got something else Allan taught me, Sweet Potatoes. I took 3 tators, peeled them, diced them up, layered them in a casserole dish with just a tiny bit of butter and a tiny bit of maple syrup. Bake at 400* for 75 minutes. My daddy said they were the best sweet potatoes he’s ever had and my grandma makes awesome ones.

So guys, I’m learning. I’ve been asking Steve a bunch of questions tonight about exercise. You see, life has changed a bit here and with our finances not as strong as I had hoped I will not be able to join the gym until January or later. So I am working on trying to figure out some exercises that I can do through out the day. I don’t have an hour to just exercise so I’m trying to figure out a schedule for 10 minutes here and 10 minutes there. My back just can’t handle crunches right now so Steve suggested planks. So I did a search and found This great video to help me learn how to do them right. I also found some exercise ball exercises I can do. I went to and just asked the question. I love

So there you have it. Tomorrow is my weigh in for Allan. Steve’s was on Friday and I was 190 lbs. That was 10 lbs for the month of November, thank you Ron, Steve, Allan and Charlie. Well thank you everyone, and I mean everyone. It would be so cool if tomorrow it would be 189 just to start the week out with an awesome weight but if not 190 is good and next week I’ll be in the 180’s.

Enjoy your weekend. Take care my friends. Also thank you so much for all your prayers for my sister and family. I have added a couple updates on my post about her if you’d like to check it out.

God Bless you all!!!


Mom to the Fourth Power said...

Looks like you had a very delicious Thanksgiving meal! I hope you see 189 to start your week too! That would be sweet. Yet being 190 is pretty awesome too! I like how you are determined to get your exercise in even if you can't join the gym when you want to. You are so resourceful and on the ball. You go girl!!


Empty Nester said...

Another good way to prepare sweet potatoes is cut them up into thin slices (long or round) and coat them with just a bit of olive oil and put a smidge of salt on them. Roast them on 425 for about 20-30 minutes. Yummy sweet potato fries!

You're doing GREAT!!!

Cathy said...

Baked sweet potato "fries" are my favorite. We have been brining our turkey for year, and it is pretty darn delicious. As turkeys go :)

Ron said...

Awesome looking turkey...... totally understand about the gym. Planks are good, push ups, sit ups if your back can handle them. Hope you have a great weigh-in

Anonymous said...

The meal planning sounds brilliant!

South Beach Steve said...

The turkey does look good. I guess I might be an oddity, but I could eat turkey all the time. We smoked ours this year, which was a nice change up.

Have a blessed day Julie!