Well today is Watch My Weight Wednesday hosted by Angie. I have nothing new to report since Monday. I’m in a pretty foul mood. Not really crabby but so tired and this period is going to kill me off. I am pretty sure it’s time for this thing to just go away but between the Lord and my body they have other things to say about it. YUCK!!!
I did go play tennis with Brenda last night and then went for a nice long walk around town. We had a blast too. We decided to make Tuesdays our day out. Nothing that costs anything or very little. She can get me into her health club for $5.00 a visit so come this winter I think we’ll do that at least the once a week as long as I can afford to go. Otherwise we’ll go swimming, play tennis, go for bike rides and if we really just want to play, we can go shopping or at least window shopping.
I am suppose to weigh in on Friday. I think that I’m going to wait until Monday. You know what periods do to your weight and since I really need that scale to have moved in a good direction I’m not going to step on it until this damn thing from hell is gone. Sorry to swear but I am so tired of this. I hate the tired, the cramping, the mess, the laundry, the big fat ugly feelings. So right now just won’t be the time to do it. I’m sorry if you’re waiting for me, please be patient and wait another couple of days and on Monday I promise to do all the good stuff and share.
But go to Angie's and check out all the cool people doing so well with their weight loss journey’s and life style changes. I am so proud to be apart of this group of people that are working so hard to be healthy.
Take care my friends. Thanks for being so patient with me. Thanks for your kind words. I’ll be back on Monday after the 4th. We have a huge family/friend reunion my mama and daddy put on each 4th. So lots of work and planning and then lots of fun, fellowship and food.
God Bless you all.